Module:Catalog lookup link: Difference between revisions

From Vigyanwiki
Template>Trappist the monk
m (documentation;)
(Current template does not include a space after postfix (suffix?) if no article.)
Line 69: Line 69:

if is_set (label) or is_set (postfix) then -- label can be empty string here
if is_set (label) then
return table.concat ({label, postfix, ' '}); -- assemble the complete label
return table.concat ({label, postfix, ' '}); -- assemble the complete label
return ''; -- no inputs so return empty string for concatenation
return postfix or ''; -- no space after postfix if no label

--[[--------------------------< I C O N _ I N D E X _ G E T >--------------------------------------------------
--[[--------------------------< I C O N _ I N D E X _ G E T >--------------------------------------------------

Revision as of 22:10, 18 July 2018

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Catalog lookup link/doc

|1=, |2=, |3=, |4=, |5=, |6=, |7=, |8=, |9=: Optional unnamed parameters for 0 to 9 items to be listed.
	Whitespace is trimmed off both ends and the strings are urlencoded as if they were query strings.
|article-link=: Optional Wikipedia article name to link to.
|article-name=: Optional alternative text to be displayed for |article-link= link in front of catalog link.
	If not specified, |article-link= is used for display as well. If both parameters are not specified, the prefix is omitted completely.
|article-postfix=: Optional symbol to be displayed after article name or link (f.e. ":"; omitted, if not defined).
|link-prefix=: Optional prefix portion of url to external catalog item(s).
|link-postfix=: Optional postfix portion of url to external catalog item(s).
|item-prefix=: Optional text displayed in front of each external link (omitted, if not defined)
|item-postfix=: Optional text displayed immediately after each external link (omitted, if not defined)
|list-separator=: Optional alternative separator displayed between list items (default: ", ", if not specified). Whitespace must be encoded.
|list-leadout=: Optional alternative leadout text displayed between the last two list items (f.e. "and", "or", "as well as", etc., default is the |list-separator= or ", ".)
|leadout-postfix=: Optional alternative postfix text of the leadout (see |list-leadout=) displayed between the last two list items.
	This gets added in front of the last list item instead of the default whitespace which is added without this parameter.
	This may be necessary if |list-separator= is used not only to define the list separator but also parts of the item prefix
	(except for the first one). (At present, this is used only to cope with format oddities of the {{MR}} template.)

new parameters that support access icons:
|allowed_icons= – comma-separated list of keywords: free, limited, registration, subscription, none, all (default; same as parameter empty or omitted)
	the icons specified in the following parameters are checked agains the list in |allowed-icons=; not in the list? not displayed
|url-access-all= – applies specified icon to all items in the list; accepted keywords: free, limited, registration, subscription;
|url-accessn= – applies specified icon to item n of the list (the nth positional parameter); accepted keywords: free, limited, registration, subscription;


require('Module:No globals');
local getArgs = require ('Module:Arguments').getArgs;
local lock_icons = {
	['free'] = '[[File:Lock-green.svg|9px|link=|alt=Freely accessible|Freely accessible]]',
	['registration'] = '[[File:Lock-blue-alt-2.svg|9px|link=|alt=Free registration required|Free registration required]]',
	['limited'] = '[[File:Lock-blue-alt-2.svg|9px|link=|alt=Free access subject to limited trial, subscription normally required|Free access subject to limited trial, subscription normally required]]',
	['subscription'] = '[[File:Lock-red-alt.svg|9px|link=|alt=Paid subscription required|Paid subscription required]]',

local p = {};

--[[--------------------------< I S _ S E T >------------------------------------------------------------------

Returns true if argument is set; false otherwise. Argument is 'set' when it exists (not nil) or when it is not an empty string.


local function is_set( var )
	return not (var == nil or var == '');

--[=[-------------------------< M A K E _ L A B E L >----------------------------------------------------------

Makes a wikilinked or plain text label from arguments; when both link and display text is provided, makes a
wikilink in the form [[L|D]]; if only link is provided, makes a wikilinked label in the form [[L]]; if only display
is provided, makes a plain-text label; if neither are provided makes a label from postfix, returns an empty string else.


local function make_label (link, display, postfix)
local label = '';
	if is_set (link) then
		if is_set (display) then
			label = table.concat ({'[[', link, '|', display, ']]'});			-- make [[L|D]] wikilinked label
			label = table.concat ({'[[', link, ']]'});							-- make [[L]] wikilinked label
	elseif is_set (display) then
		label = display;														-- plain-text label

	if is_set (label) then														
		return table.concat ({label, postfix, '&nbsp;'});						-- assemble the complete label
		return postfix or '';													-- no space after postfix if no label

--[[--------------------------< I C O N _ I N D E X _ G E T >--------------------------------------------------

returns index into lock_icons[] if value assigned to |url-access= or |url-access-all= is a valid icon selector
(free, limited, registration, subscription)

icon selection may be limited to a subset of the icons with:
	|allow_icons=<comma-separated list of allowed icons>
<comma-separated list of allowed icons> may be any of the keywords: free, limited, registration, subscription, none, all

keyword 'all' is default condition; same when |allowed=icons= is empty of omitted

keyword 'none' for use with identifiers where icons are inappropriate (isbn, issn, oclc)

Templates using this module should set:
	|allow_icons=free for most identifiers;
	|allow_icons=none for isbn, issn, oclc, etc


local function icon_index_get (args, k)
local icon;
local param_name = table.concat ({'url-access', k});							-- make an enumerated parameter name

	if is_set (args['url-access-all']) and lock_icons[args['url-access-all']] then	-- if set and valid
		icon = args['url-access-all'];											-- tentatively 

	elseif is_set (args[param_name]) and lock_icons[args[param_name]] then		-- if set and valid
		icon = args[param_name];												-- tentatively
		return nil;																-- neither |url-access-all= nor |url-accessn= set so return nil

	if args['allow_icons'] and args['allow_icons']:find ('none') then			-- if 'none' keyword is present
		return nil;																-- icons display not allowed

	if not is_set (args['allow_icons']) or args['allow_icons']:find ('all') or args['allow_icons']:find (icon) then	--if all allowed or specified icon is allowed
		return icon;															-- return selected icon as index into icon table

--[[--------------------------< M A I N >----------------------------------------------------------------------

Template entrypoint to this module; arguments come primarily from the parent frame though in templates that use
this module, |allowed-icons= is typically set, if needed, in the {{#invoke:}}.


function p.main (frame)
	local args = getArgs (frame);
	local out_text = '';

	if is_set(args[1]) then
		local result = {};
		local label;
		local article_postfix = args['article-postfix'] or '';
		local link_prefix = args['link-prefix'] or '';
		local link_postfix = args['link-postfix'] or '';
		local item_prefix = args['item-prefix'] or '';
		local item_postfix = args['item-postfix'] or '';
		local list_separator = args['list-separator'] or ', ';
		local leadout_postfix = args['leadout-postfix'] or ' ';
		local list_leadout;

		local icon_index;
		if is_set (args['list-leadout']) then
			list_leadout = table.concat ({
				mw.ustring.match(mw.ustring.sub(args['list-leadout'],1,1), '[%a]') and ' ' or '',
			list_leadout = '';
		label = make_label (args['article-link'], args['article-name'], article_postfix);

		for k, item in ipairs (args) do											-- for each of the positional parameters
			item = mw.text.trim (item);											-- remove extraneous whitespace
			if is_set (link_prefix) then										-- if there is link prefix...
				item = table.concat ({											-- create an external link item
					'[',														-- open ext link markup
					link_prefix,												-- url prefix
					mw.uri.encode (item),										-- item is part of url
					link_postfix,												-- url postfix
					' ',														-- required space between url and label
					item_prefix,												-- label prefix
					item,														-- item as label
					item_postfix,												-- item postfix
					']'															-- close ext link markup

				icon_index = icon_index_get (args, k);							-- set if icon specified and allowed for this item; nil else
				if icon_index then
					item = table.concat ({										-- add access icon markup to this item
						'<span class="plainlinks">',							-- this link is plain
						'<span style="padding-left:0.15em;">',					-- and replaced with
						lock_icons[icon_index],									-- the appropriate icon
						'</span>',												-- and close the spans
				item = table.concat ({											-- create an unlinked item
					item_prefix,												-- label prefix
					item,														-- item as label
					item_postfix,												-- item postfix
			table.insert (result, item);										-- add the item to the result list
		if is_set (args['list-leadout']) then
			out_text = table.concat ({label, mw.text.listToText (result, list_separator, list_leadout)});
			out_text = table.concat ({label, table.concat (result, list_separator)});

	end	--is_set (args[1])
	return out_text

return p;