Template:Standard model of particle physics

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Revision as of 13:29, 9 December 2022 by alpha>Indicwiki


| name = Standard model of particle physics | title = Standard Model of particle physics

| image =

Up quarkCharm quarkTop quarkGluonHiggs bosonDown quarkStrange quarkBottom quarkPhotonElectronMuonTau (particle)Z bosonElectron neutrinoMuon neutrinoTau neutrinoW bosonStandard ModelFermionBosonQuarkLeptonScalar bosonGauge bosonVector bosonStandard Model of Elementary Particles.svg
About this image

| caption = Elementary particles of the Standard Model | listtitlestyle = background:transparent;border-top:1px solid #aaa;text-align:center; | content1 =

| list2name = Background | list2title = Background | list2 = Particle physics
Standard Model
Quantum field theory
Gauge theory
Spontaneous symmetry breaking
Higgs mechanism

| list3name = Constituents | list3title = Constituents | list3 = Electroweak interaction
Quantum chromodynamics
CKM matrix
Standard Model mathematics

| list4name = Limitations | list4title = Limitations | list4 = Strong CP problem
Hierarchy problem
Neutrino oscillations
Physics beyond the Standard Model

| list5name = Scientists | list5title = Scientists | list5 = Rutherford · Thomson · Chadwick · Bose · Sudarshan · Davis Jr. · Anderson · Fermi · Dirac · Feynman · Rubbia · Gell-Mann · Kendall · Taylor · Friedman · Powell · P. W. Anderson · Glashow · Iliopoulos · Lederman · Maiani · Meer · Cowan · Nambu · Chamberlain · Cabibbo · Schwartz · Perl · Majorana · Weinberg · Lee · Ward · Salam · Kobayashi · Maskawa · van der Meer · Mills · Yang · Yukawa · 't Hooft · Veltman · Gross · Pais · Pauli · Politzer · Reines · Schwinger · Wilczek · Cronin · Fitch · Vleck · Higgs · Englert · Brout · Hagen · Guralnik  · Kibble  · Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo · César Lattes · Zweig
