
From Vigyanwiki

Original file(700 × 700 pixels, file size: 2.36 MB, MIME type: image/gif, looped, 100 frames, 3.0 s)

Note: Due to technical limitations, thumbnails of high resolution GIF images such as this one will not be animated.

This file is from Wikimedia Commons and may be used by other projects. The description on its file description page there is shown below.


English: Harmonic-Drive Animation (strain wave gear (SWG)). (Colors in the drawing correspond to the Cross section File:Harmonic drive cross Legend.svg.)
Ncircular_spline = 42 (blue); Nflex_spline= 42-2 = 40 (red); Ratio = 40/(42-40) = 20
Deutsch: Harmonic-Drive Animation (Spannungswellengetriebe, Wellgetriebe oder Gleitkeilgetriebe). (Die Farbkodierung entspricht der Schnittzeichnung File:Harmonic drive cross Legend.svg.)
zInnenverzahnung = 42 (blue); zFlexspline= 42-2 = 40 (red); i = 40/(42-40) = 20
Source Own work
Author Jahobr
GIF genesis
This diagram was created with MATLAB by Jahobr
Source code


function HarmonicDriveAni()
% source code for drawing a HarmonicDrive
% this is by no means a "simulation". It is a hack job that produces a gif
% 2016-12-05 Jahobr (reworked 2017-09-16)
nTeethOutGear =  42;
nTeethFlex = nTeethOutGear-2;
modul = 0.1; % modul
colEdge = [0   0   0  ]; % Edge color
colFlex = [1   0.2 0.2]; % FlexSpline color
colWave = [0.1 0.7 0.1]; % WaveGen color
colGear = [0.2 0.2 1  ]; % static OuterGear color
nFrames = 100;
frameAngles = linspace(0,-pi,nFrames+1); % rotate clockwise
frameAngles = frameAngles(1:end-1); % delete redundant frame
[pathstr,fname] = fileparts(which(mfilename)); % save files under the same name and at file location
figHandle = figure(15674454);
axesHandle = axes;
axis equal
xlim([-3 3])
ylim([-3 3])
set(figHandle, 'Units','pixel');
set(figHandle, 'position',[1 1 700 700]); % [x y width height] 
set(axesHandle, 'position',[-0.05 -0.05 1.1 1.1]); % stretch axis bigger as figure, easy way to get rid of ticks [x y width height] 
set(figHandle,'GraphicsSmoothing','on') % requires at least version 2014b
for iFrame = 1:nFrames
    angleWaveGen = frameAngles(iFrame);
    angleFlexTeeth = angleWaveGen*(nTeethFlex-nTeethOutGear)/nTeethFlex; %  angle of the flexspline
    %% %%%%%%%%    draw OuterGear (static)   %%%%%%%%
    %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    effectiveDiameter = modul*nTeethOutGear;
    toothTipDiameter = effectiveDiameter-1.4*modul;
    toothBottomDiameter = effectiveDiameter+1.6*modul;
    angleBetweenTeeth = 2*pi/nTeethOutGear; % angle between 2 teeth
    angleOffPoints = (0:angleBetweenTeeth/8:(2*pi));
    %% outerEdge
    maxDiameter = toothBottomDiameter*1.2; % definition of outer line
    maxXY = samplesEllipse(maxDiameter,maxDiameter,500);
    patch(maxXY(:,1),maxXY(:,2),colGear,'EdgeColor',colEdge,'LineWidth',0.5) % full outer disc
    %% inner teeth
    radiusOffPoints = angleOffPoints; % init
    radiusOffPoints(1:8:end) = toothBottomDiameter/2; % middle bottom
    radiusOffPoints(2:8:end) = toothBottomDiameter/2; % left bottom
    radiusOffPoints(3:8:end) = effectiveDiameter/2; % rising edge
    radiusOffPoints(4:8:end) = toothTipDiameter/2; % right top
    radiusOffPoints(5:8:end) = toothTipDiameter/2; % middle top
    radiusOffPoints(6:8:end) = toothTipDiameter/2; % left top
    radiusOffPoints(7:8:end) = effectiveDiameter/2; % falling edge
    radiusOffPoints(8:8:end) = toothBottomDiameter/2; % right bottom
    [X,Y] = pol2cart(angleOffPoints,radiusOffPoints);
    patch(X,Y,[1 1 1],'EdgeColor',colEdge,'LineWidth',0.5) % overlay white area for inner teeth
    %% %%%%%%%%%     draw Flexspline        %%%%%%%%%
    %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    % % deform estimation based on tooth distance (using the circumferences); could be automated!
    % U1 = 42*pi % Circumference of OuterGear
    % U1 =
    %   131.9469
    % U2 = pi*sqrt(2*((42/2)^2+(0.9022*42/2)^2))  * 42/40 % Circumference of Flexspline * 42/40
    % U2 =
    %   131.9435
    deform = 0.9022;
    deformedDiameter = effectiveDiameter*deform; % scale down, but teeth must still have the same distance
    rootEffectiveDia = effectiveDiameter-1.6*modul; % fixed offset
    rootDeformedDia  = deformedDiameter-1.6*modul;  % fixed offset
    topEffectiveDia = effectiveDiameter+1.4*modul; % fixed offset
    topDeformedDia  = deformedDiameter+1.4*modul;  % fixed offset
    % % an equidistant sampled ellipse is needed, to keep the tooth distance constant all the way around
    offsetOnCircumference = (-angleWaveGen+angleFlexTeeth)/2/pi; % compensation + own_rotation  ,  normalization to "circumference"
    equiEffeXY = equidistantSamplesEllipse(effectiveDiameter,deformedDiameter,nTeethFlex*8, offsetOnCircumference); % points on effective diameter
    equiRootXY = equidistantSamplesEllipse(rootEffectiveDia, rootDeformedDia, nTeethFlex*8, offsetOnCircumference); % points with inwards offset
    equiOutXY  = equidistantSamplesEllipse(topEffectiveDia,  topDeformedDia,  nTeethFlex*8, offsetOnCircumference); % points with outwards offset
    toothXY = equiEffeXY; % intit
    toothXY(1:8:end,:) = equiOutXY(1:8:end,:); % middle top        I######I
    toothXY(2:8:end,:) = equiOutXY(2:8:end,:); % left top          I######+
    % toothXY(3:8:end) init did it                                 I####/
    toothXY(4:8:end,:) = equiRootXY(4:8:end,:); % right bottom     I##+
    toothXY(5:8:end,:) = equiRootXY(5:8:end,:); % middle bottom    I##I
    toothXY(6:8:end,:) = equiRootXY(6:8:end,:); % left bottom      I##+
    % toothXY(7:8:end) init did it                                 I####\
    toothXY(8:8:end,:) = equiOutXY(8:8:end,:); % right top         I######+
    [toothXY] = rotateCordiantes(toothXY,angleWaveGen);
    patch(toothXY(:,1),toothXY(:,2),colFlex,'EdgeColor',colEdge,'LineWidth',0.5) %draw flexspline with teeth
    %% hole
    holeEffectiveDia = effectiveDiameter-5*modul; % fixed inwards offset
    holeDeformedDia  = deformedDiameter-5*modul;  % fixed inwards offset
    holePathXY = samplesEllipse(holeEffectiveDia,holeDeformedDia,500);
    holePathXY = rotateCordiantes(holePathXY,angleWaveGen);
    patch(holePathXY(:,1),holePathXY(:,2),[1 1 1],'EdgeColor',colEdge,'LineWidth',0.5) % draw hole of deformed ring
    %% %%%%%%%%%   draw wave generator      %%%%%%%%%
    %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    waveEffectiveDia = holeEffectiveDia; % touch flex spline
    waveDeformedDia  = holeDeformedDia-5*modul; % extra air gap to spline, to make it more obvious
    wavePathXY = samplesEllipse(waveEffectiveDia,waveDeformedDia,500);
    [wavePathXY] = rotateCordiantes(wavePathXY,angleWaveGen);
    patch(wavePathXY(:,1),wavePathXY(:,2),colWave,'EdgeColor',colEdge,'LineWidth',0.5) % draw wave generator
    %% central shaft
    shaftPathXY = samplesEllipse(effectiveDiameter/2.5,effectiveDiameter/2.5,500);
    plot(axesHandle,shaftPathXY(:,1),shaftPathXY(:,2),'LineWidth',0.8,'color',colEdge); % draw central shaft outline
    %% %%%%%%%%%   save animation     %%%%%%%%%
    %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    f = getframe(figHandle);
    if iFrame == 1 % create colormap
        [im,map] = rgb2ind(f.cdata,32,'nodither'); % 32 colors % create color map %% THE FIRST FRAME MUST INCLUDE ALL COLORES !!!
        % FIX WHITE, rgb2ind sets white to [0.9961    0.9961    0.9961], which is annoying
        [~,wIndex] = max(sum(map,2)); % find "white"
        map(wIndex,:) = 1; % make it truly white
        im(1,1,1,nFrames) = 0; % allocate
        if ~isempty(which('plot2svg'))
            plot2svg(fullfile(pathstr, [fname '_Frame1.svg']),figHandle) % by Juerg Schwizer
            disp('plot2svg.m not available; see');
    imtemp = rgb2ind(f.cdata,map,'nodither');
    im(:,:,1,iFrame) = imtemp;
imwrite(im,map,fullfile(pathstr, [fname '.gif']),'DelayTime',1/30,'LoopCount',inf) % save gif
disp([fname '.gif  has ' num2str(numel(im)/10^6 ,4) ' Megapixels']) % Category:Animated GIF files exceeding the 50 MP limit
%%% equidistantSamplesEllipse test code
% figure(455467);clf;hold on;
% equidistantXY = equidistantSamplesEllipse(1.5,0.5,40,0.1);
% plot(equidistantXY(:,1),equidistantXY(:,2),'bx-')
% equidistantXY = equidistantSamplesEllipse(2,1,40,1);
% plot(equidistantXY(:,1),equidistantXY(:,2),'bx-')
% equidistantXY = equidistantSamplesEllipse(3,2,40,0.5);
% plot(equidistantXY(:,1),equidistantXY(:,2),'bx-')
% equidistantXY = equidistantSamplesEllipse(4,3,40,0);
% plot(equidistantXY(:,1),equidistantXY(:,2),'bx-')
% pathXY = samplesEllipse(4,3,41);
% plot(pathXY(1:end-1,1),pathXY(1:end-1,2),'ro-')
% plot([4 -4]/2,[0 0],'-k')
function equidistantXY = equidistantSamplesEllipse(diameterH,diameterV,nPoints,offset)
% Inputs:
%   diameterH  horizontal diameter
%   diameterV  vertical diameter
%   nPoints    number of resampled points
%   offsetFraction between 0 and 1 in circumference of ellipse
pathXY = samplesEllipse(diameterH,diameterV,1000); % create ellipse
stepLengths = sqrt(sum(diff(pathXY,[],1).^2,2)); % distance between the points
stepLengths = [0; stepLengths]; % add the starting point
cumulativeLen = cumsum(stepLengths); % cumulative sum
circumference = cumulativeLen(end);
finalStepLocs = linspace(0,1, nPoints+1)+offset; % equidistant distribution
finalStepLocs = finalStepLocs(1:end-1); % remove redundant point
finalStepLocs = mod(finalStepLocs,1)*circumference; % unwrap and scale to circumference
equidistantXY = interp1(cumulativeLen, pathXY, finalStepLocs);
function pathXY = samplesEllipse(diameterH,diameterV,nPoints)
% point of ellipse; points start on the right, counterclockwise 
% first and last points are the same
% Inputs:
%   diameterH  horizontal diameter
%   diameterV  vertical diameter
%   nPoints    number of points
p = linspace(0,2*pi,nPoints)';
pathXY = [cos(p)*diameterH/2 sin(p)*diameterV/2]; % create ellipse
function [xy] = rotateCordiantes(xy,anglee)
% [x1 y1; x2 y2; x3 y3; ...] coordinates to rotate
% anglee angle of rotation in [rad]
rotM = [cos(anglee) -sin(anglee); sin(anglee) cos(anglee)];
xy = (rotM*xy')';


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5 December 2016


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

current19:50, 29 April 2023Thumbnail for version as of 19:50, 29 April 2023700 × 700 (2.36 MB)wikimediacommons>JahobrReverted to version as of 15:09, 17 November 2020 (UTC)

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