Closed graph property
In mathematics, particularly in functional analysis and topology, closed graph is a property of functions.[1][2] A function f : X → Y between topological spaces has a closed graph if its graph is a closed subset of the product space X × Y. A related property is open graph.[3]
This property is studied because there are many theorems, known as closed graph theorems, giving conditions under which a function with a closed graph is necessarily continuous. One particularly well-known class of closed graph theorems are the closed graph theorems in functional analysis.
Graphs and set-valued functions
- Definition and notation: The graph of a function f : X → Y is the set
- Gr f := { (x, f(x)) : x ∈ X } = { (x, y) ∈ X × Y : y = f(x) }.
- Notation: If Y is a set then the power set of Y, which is the set of all subsets of Y, is denoted by 2Y or 𝒫(Y).
- Definition: If X and Y are sets, a set-valued function in Y on X (also called a Y-valued multifunction on X) is a function F : X → 2Y with domain X that is valued in 2Y. That is, F is a function on X such that for every x ∈ X, F(x) is a subset of Y.
- Some authors call a function F : X → 2Y a set-valued function only if it satisfies the additional requirement that F(x) is not empty for every x ∈ X; this article does not require this.
- Definition and notation: If F : X → 2Y is a set-valued function in a set Y then the graph of F is the set
- Gr F := { (x, y) ∈ X × Y : y ∈ F(x) }.
- Definition: A function f : X → Y can be canonically identified with the set-valued function F : X → 2Y defined by F(x) := { f(x) } for every x ∈ X, where F is called the canonical set-valued function induced by (or associated with) f.
- Note that in this case, Gr f = Gr F.
Open and closed graph
We give the more general definition of when a Y-valued function or set-valued function defined on a subset S of X has a closed graph since this generality is needed in the study of closed linear operators that are defined on a dense subspace S of a topological vector space X (and not necessarily defined on all of X). This particular case is one of the main reasons why functions with closed graphs are studied in functional analysis.
- Assumptions: Throughout, X and Y are topological spaces, S ⊆ X, and f is a Y-valued function or set-valued function on S (i.e. f : S → Y or f : S → 2Y). X × Y will always be endowed with the product topology.
- Definition:[4] We say that f has a closed graph (resp. open graph, sequentially closed graph, sequentially open graph) in X × Y if the graph of f, Gr f, is a closed (resp. open, sequentially closed, sequentially open) subset of X × Y when X × Y is endowed with the product topology. If S = X or if X is clear from context then we may omit writing "in X × Y"
- Observation: If g : S → Y is a function and G is the canonical set-valued function induced by g (i.e. G : S → 2Y is defined by G(s) := { g(s) } for every s ∈ S) then since Gr g = Gr G, g has a closed (resp. sequentially closed, open, sequentially open) graph in X × Y if and only if the same is true of G.
Closable maps and closures
- Definition: We say that the function (resp. set-valued function) f is closable in X × Y if there exists a subset D ⊆ X containing S and a function (resp. set-valued function) F : D → Y whose graph is equal to the closure of the set Gr f in X × Y. Such an F is called a closure of f in X × Y, is denoted by f, and necessarily extends f.
- Additional assumptions for linear maps: If in addition, S, X, and Y are topological vector spaces and f : S → Y is a linear map then to call f closable we also require that the set D be a vector subspace of X and the closure of f be a linear map.
- Definition: If f is closable on S then a core or essential domain of f is a subset D ⊆ S such that the closure in X × Y of the graph of the restriction f |D : D → Y of f to D is equal to the closure of the graph of f in X × Y (i.e. the closure of Gr f in X × Y is equal to the closure of Gr f |D in X × Y).
Closed maps and closed linear operators
- Definition and notation: When we write f : D(f) ⊆ X → Y then we mean that f is a Y-valued function with domain D(f) where D(f) ⊆ X. If we say that f : D(f) ⊆ X → Y is closed (resp. sequentially closed) or has a closed graph (resp. has a sequentially closed graph) then we mean that the graph of f is closed (resp. sequentially closed) in X × Y (rather than in D(f) × Y).
When reading literature in functional analysis, if f : X → Y is a linear map between topological vector spaces (TVSs) (e.g. Banach spaces) then "f is closed" will almost always means the following:
- Definition: A map f : X → Y is called closed if its graph is closed in X × Y. In particular, the term "closed linear operator" will almost certainly refer to a linear map whose graph is closed.
Otherwise, especially in literature about point-set topology, "f is closed" may instead mean the following:
- Definition: A map f : X → Y between topological spaces is called a closed map if the image of a closed subset of X is a closed subset of Y.
These two definitions of "closed map" are not equivalent. If it is unclear, then it is recommended that a reader check how "closed map" is defined by the literature they are reading.
Throughout, let X and Y be topological spaces.
- Function with a closed graph
If f : X → Y is a function then the following are equivalent:
- f has a closed graph (in X × Y);
- (definition) the graph of f, Gr f, is a closed subset of X × Y;
- for every x ∈ X and net x• = (xi)i ∈ I in X such that x• → x in X, if y ∈ Y is such that the net f(x•) := (f(xi))i ∈ I → y in Y then y = f(x);[4]
- Compare this to the definition of continuity in terms of nets, which recall is the following: for every x ∈ X and net x• = (xi)i ∈ I in X such that x• → x in X, f(x•) → f(x) in Y.
- Thus to show that the function f has a closed graph we may assume that f(x•) converges in Y to some y ∈ Y (and then show that y = f(x)) while to show that f is continuous we may not assume that f(x•) converges in Y to some y ∈ Y and we must instead prove that this is true (and moreover, we must more specifically prove that f(x•) converges to f(x) in Y).
and if Y is a Hausdorff compact space then we may add to this list:
- f is continuous;[5]
and if both X and Y are first-countable spaces then we may add to this list:
- f has a sequentially closed graph (in X × Y);
- Function with a sequentially closed graph
If f : X → Y is a function then the following are equivalent:
- f has a sequentially closed graph (in X × Y);
- (definition) the graph of f is a sequentially closed subset of X × Y;
- for every x ∈ X and sequence x• = (xi)∞
i=1 in X such that x• → x in X, if y ∈ Y is such that the net f(x•) := (f(xi))∞
i=1 → y in Y then y = f(x);[4]
- set-valued function with a closed graph
If F : X → 2Y is a set-valued function between topological spaces X and Y then the following are equivalent:
- F has a closed graph (in X × Y);
- (definition) the graph of F is a closed subset of X × Y;
and if Y is compact and Hausdorff then we may add to this list:
- F is upper hemicontinuous and F(x) is a closed subset of Y for all x ∈ X;[6]
and if both X and Y are metrizable spaces then we may add to this list:
- for all x ∈ X, y ∈ Y, and sequences x• = (xi)∞
i=1 in X and y• = (yi)∞
i=1 in Y such that x• → x in X and y• → y in Y, and yi ∈ F(xi) for all i, then y ∈ F(x).[citation needed]
Sufficient conditions for a closed graph
- If f : X → Y is a continuous function between topological spaces and if Y is Hausdorff then f has a closed graph in X × Y.[4]
- Note that if f : X → Y is a function between Hausdorff topological spaces then it is possible for f to have a closed graph in X × Y but not be continuous.
Closed graph theorems: When a closed graph implies continuity
Conditions that guarantee that a function with a closed graph is necessarily continuous are called closed graph theorems. Closed graph theorems are of particular interest in functional analysis where there are many theorems giving conditions under which a linear map with a closed graph is necessarily continuous.
- If f : X → Y is a function between topological spaces whose graph is closed in X × Y and if Y is a compact space then f : X → Y is continuous.[4]
Continuous but not closed maps
- Let X denote the real numbers ℝ with the usual Euclidean topology and let Y denote ℝ with the indiscrete topology (where note that Y is not Hausdorff and that every function valued in Y is continuous). Let f : X → Y be defined by f(0) = 1 and f(x) = 0 for all x ≠ 0. Then f : X → Y is continuous but its graph is not closed in X × Y.[4]
- If X is any space then the identity map Id : X → X is continuous but its graph, which is the diagonal Gr Id := { (x, x) : x ∈ X }, is closed in X × X if and only if X is Hausdorff.[7] In particular, if X is not Hausdorff then Id : X → X is continuous but not closed.
- If f : X → Y is a continuous map whose graph is not closed then Y is not a Hausdorff space.
Closed but not continuous maps
- Let X and Y both denote the real numbers ℝ with the usual Euclidean topology. Let f : X → Y be defined by f(0) = 0 and f(x) = 1/x for all x ≠ 0. Then f : X → Y has a closed graph (and a sequentially closed graph) in X × Y = ℝ2 but it is not continuous (since it has a discontinuity at x = 0).[4]
- Let X denote the real numbers ℝ with the usual Euclidean topology, let Y denote ℝ with the discrete topology, and let Id : X → Y be the identity map (i.e. Id(x) := x for every x ∈ X). Then Id : X → Y is a linear map whose graph is closed in X × Y but it is clearly not continuous (since singleton sets are open in Y but not in X).[4]
- Let (X, 𝜏) be a Hausdorff TVS and let 𝜐 be a vector topology on X that is strictly finer than 𝜏. Then the identity map Id : (X, 𝜏) → (X, 𝜐) a closed discontinuous linear operator.[8]
Closed linear operators
Every continuous linear operator valued in a Hausdorff topological vector space (TVS) has a closed graph and recall that a linear operator between two normed spaces is continuous if and only if it is bounded.
- Definition: If X and Y are topological vector spaces (TVSs) then we call a linear map f : D(f) ⊆ X → Y a closed linear operator if its graph is closed in X × Y.
Closed graph theorem
The closed graph theorem states that any closed linear operator f : X → Y between two F-spaces (such as Banach spaces) is continuous, where recall that if X and Y are Banach spaces then f : X → Y being continuous is equivalent to f being bounded.
Basic properties
The following properties are easily checked for a linear operator f : D(f) ⊆ X → Y between Banach spaces:
- If A is closed then A − λIdD(f) is closed where λ is a scalar and IdD(f) is the identity function;
- If f is closed, then its kernel (or nullspace) is a closed vector subspace of X;
- If f is closed and injective then its inverse f −1 is also closed;
- A linear operator f admits a closure if and only if for every x ∈ X and every pair of sequences x• = (xi)∞
i=1 and y• = (yi)∞
i=1 in D(f) both converging to x in X, such that both f(x•) = (f(xi))∞
i=1 and f(y•) = (f(yi))∞
i=1 converge in Y, one has limi → ∞ fxi = limi → ∞ fyi.
Consider the derivative operator A = d/dx where X = Y = C([a, b]) is the Banach space of all continuous functions on an interval [a, b]. If one takes its domain D(f) to be C1([a, b]), then f is a closed operator, which is not bounded.[9] On the other hand if D(f) = C∞([a, b]), then f will no longer be closed, but it will be closable, with the closure being its extension defined on C1([a, b]).
See also
- Almost open linear map
- Closed graph theorem
- Closed graph theorem (functional analysis)
- Kakutani fixed-point theorem
- Open mapping theorem (functional analysis)
- Webbed space
- ↑ Baggs, Ivan (1974). "Functions with a closed graph". Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (in English). 43 (2): 439–442. doi:10.1090/S0002-9939-1974-0334132-8. ISSN 0002-9939.
- ↑ Ursescu, Corneliu (1975). "Multifunctions with convex closed graph". Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal. 25 (3): 438–441. doi:10.21136/CMJ.1975.101337. ISSN 0011-4642.
- ↑ Shafer, Wayne; Sonnenschein, Hugo (1975-12-01). "Equilibrium in abstract economies without ordered preferences" (PDF). Journal of Mathematical Economics. 2 (3): 345–348. doi:10.1016/0304-4068(75)90002-6. hdl:10419/220454. ISSN 0304-4068.
- ↑ Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Narici & Beckenstein 2011, pp. 459–483.
- ↑ Munkres 2000, p. 171.
- ↑ Aliprantis, Charlambos; Kim C. Border (1999). "Chapter 17". Infinite Dimensional Analysis: A Hitchhiker's Guide (3rd ed.). Springer.
- ↑ Rudin p.50
- ↑ Narici & Beckenstein 2011, p. 480.
- ↑ Kreyszig, Erwin (1978). Introductory Functional Analysis With Applications. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Inc. p. 294. ISBN 0-471-50731-8.
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